Kill Count: 173248
Kill Count: 57198

Vending Items Of [Majunk]

Costumes and Cards

fortessa, 238, 124

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
31840 Costume headset made for DJ.
Type: Costume
Position: Upper
Weight: 0
Requirement: None
Costume DJ Headset None None None None 22 000 000 z 1
Costume Happy Carnival Balloon None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
Costume Lehar Mini-Me None None None None 15 000 000 z 1
20199 A dark marching hat worn by members of an undead band from Niffleheim.
Class: Costume
Location: Upper
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Evil Marching Hat None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
31598 Class: Costume
Location: Upper
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Forest Guide None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
Primitive Rgan Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 5
4608 ATK + 15
Increase physical damage inflicted on Medium and Large size monsters by 20%.
[+Khalitzburg Knight Card]
Increase physical damage inflicted on Medium and Large size monsters by 15%.
Reduce damage taken from Medium and Large size monsters by 5%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
White Knight Card None None None None 20 000 000 z 3
19689 A bling bling majestic headgear made by various kinds of rings.
Class: Costume
Location: Upper, Middle, Lower
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Costume Ati Atihan None None None None 10 000 000 z 1