Kill Count: 206836
Kill Count: 55135

Vending Items Of [talktovendnpc]

oh yea

niflheim, 192, 173

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
1000401 Meteorite Powder of Luck.
Weight: 0.1
Lucky Meteorite Powder None None None None 30 000 z 4075
1000444 Meteorite Fragment of Agility.
Weight: 0.1
Agile Meteorite Fragment None None None None 120 000 z 4060
1000400 Meteorite Powder of Agility.
Weight: 0.1
Agile Meteorite Powder None None None None 70 000 z 4135
1000443 Meteorite Fragment of Stamina.
Weight: 0.1
Stamina Meteorite Fragment None None None None 70 000 z 4045
1000399 Meteorite Powder of Stamina.
Weight: 0.1
Stamina Meteorite Powder None None None None 30 000 z 3985
1000446 Meteorite Fragment of Spell.
Weight: 0.1
Meteorite Fragment of Spell None None None None 80 000 z 4075
1000442 Meteorite Fragment of Power.
Weight: 0.1
Power Meteorite Fragment None None None None 390 000 z 3500
1000373 Fragments from which part of a huge meteorite has fallen off.
I feel a quite strong magical power.
Weight: 1
Meteorite Fragment None None None None 1 000 000 z 1527
1000372 The powder on the surface of the meteorite.
There is a little bit of magical power of the meteorite.
Weight: 0.1
Meteorite Powder None None None None 30 000 z 16