Kill Count: 74196
Kill Count: 4509

Vending Items Of [MarisStella]

Maris' Shop ...

fortessa, 202, 136

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
490163 Insignia worn by ancient heroes.
It seems to resonate with the weapons of ancient heroes.
All Stats + 2.
Type: Accessory (left)
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Required level: 150
Equipable by: All Jobs
Hero Insignia [1] None None None None 7 999 999 z 1
490163 Insignia worn by ancient heroes.
It seems to resonate with the weapons of ancient heroes.
All Stats + 2.
Type: Accessory (left)
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Required level: 150
Equipable by: All Jobs
Hero Insignia [1] None None None None 7 999 999 z 1
490163 Insignia worn by ancient heroes.
It seems to resonate with the weapons of ancient heroes.
All Stats + 2.
Type: Accessory (left)
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Required level: 150
Equipable by: All Jobs
Hero Insignia [1] None None None None 7 999 999 z 1
490163 Insignia worn by ancient heroes.
It seems to resonate with the weapons of ancient heroes.
All Stats + 2.
Type: Accessory (left)
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Required level: 150
Equipable by: All Jobs
Hero Insignia [1] None None None None 7 999 999 z 1
490163 Insignia worn by ancient heroes.
It seems to resonate with the weapons of ancient heroes.
All Stats + 2.
Type: Accessory (left)
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Required level: 150
Equipable by: All Jobs
Hero Insignia [1] None None None None 7 999 999 z 1
490163 Insignia worn by ancient heroes.
It seems to resonate with the weapons of ancient heroes.
All Stats + 2.
Type: Accessory (left)
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Required level: 150
Equipable by: All Jobs
Hero Insignia [1] None None None None 7 999 999 z 1
6635 Use this bottle in combination with any refinement material to protect the item from downgrading and breaking in the Refinement UI.
This item will be consumed regardless of fail or success, the amount needed is increased corresponding to refine level.
Required number of bottles:
+7 refine -> +8 refine : 1 ea
+8 refine -> +9 refine : 2 ea
+9 refine -> +10 refine : 4 ea
+10 refine -> +11 refine : 7 ea
+11 refine -> +12 refine : 11 ea
+12 refine -> +13 refine : 16 ea
+13 refine -> +14 refine : 22 ea
**Only apply up to +14 refine.
Weight: 0
Blacksmith Blessing None None None None 4 299 999 z 400
607 Fruit from the Yggdrasil tree which brings life to our world. Its fantastic taste is full of life.
Class: Restorative item
Heal: 100% HP, 100% SP
Weight: 30
Yggdrasil Berry None None None None 189 999 z 191
969 Hard and stable metal that emits shines like sun. Undoubtedly, it is more precious than other metal due its rareness, can be sold to Merchants in town.
Weight: 20
Gold None None None None 189 999 z 200
52080 A Bronze key to open a Treasure Cache.
This allows 1 roll on a Treasure Cache.
Weight: 1
Bronze Treasure Key None None None None 29 999 z 271