Kill Count: 167838
Kill Count: 40676

Vending Items Of [Street Vendor Sa Kanto]


gonryun, 171, 138

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
12246 Powerful spirits are sealed within this album.
What will happen if the seal is undone?
Weight: 5
Mystical Card Album None None None None 888 888 z 156
6417 Sunkissed Silvervine Fruit. Humans think that it is normal and tastes bad but it is valuable in Malangdo.
Use these as currency to exchange for access to memorial dungeons and to exchange for enchanting A-E grade coins with the Special Vending Machine and Coin Exchanger in Malangdo.
Weight: 0
Silvervine Fruit None None None None 494 444 z 26
51011 Can be exchanged for rewards at @go special.
Weight: 0
Loyalty Certificates None None None None 69 999 z 290
7620 Used to refine weapons with a higher chance.
This item can be used with Mighty Hammer in either payon, eden 2nd floor or the refine house in @go 0
Alternatively you can use this item in the Refine UI.
Warning: Upon failure this will break your item.
Upon use this will open the Refine UI but does not consume the item.
Class: Refining Material
Weight: 1
Old Enriched Oridecon None None None None 1 222 211 z 43