Vending Items Of [VENDGUY1231]
fortessa, 241, 115
ID | Name | Refine | Slot | Card0 | Card1 | Card2 | Card3 | Price | Amount |
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None | None | None | None | 1 111 111 z | 5 | |||
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None | None | None | None | 1 111 111 z | 3 | |||
The tool you used to nail in the Einbach mine,
Improvement to launch other things besides the nail. -------------------- Atk + 10%. Increases Aimed Bolt damage by 10%. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher Atk + 60, reduces variable casting time by 10%. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher increases Aimed Bolt damage by additional 15%, has a chance to gain bonus physical damage against all size enemies by 15% for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage. -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 20%. -------------------- Class: Bow Attack: 210 Weight: 170 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level: 170 Jobs: Ranger |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 25 000 000 z | 1 | |
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None | None | None | None | 25 000 000 z | 3 | |||
Objects used to block access to dangerous areas of the Einbech mine.
Durable and destructive, it was converted into a weapon. -------------------- Atk + 10%. Increases Banishing Point damage by 10%. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher Atk + 40, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%) -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher increases Banishing Point damage by additional 15%, has a chance to gain bonus physical damage against all size enemies by 15% for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage. -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 20%. -------------------- Class: Spear Attack: 210 Weight: 300 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level: 170 Jobs: Royal Guard |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 80 000 000 z | 1 | |
Tools used to cut various metals in the Einbech mine
Improved for combat thanks to its excellent cutting power. -------------------- Atk + 10%. Increases Rolling Cutter damage by 10%. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher Atk + 60, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%) -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher increases Rolling Cutter damage by additional 15%, has a chance to gain bonus physical damage against all size enemies by 20% for 10 seconds when dealing physical damage. -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, reduces delay after skill by 20%. -------------------- Class: Katar Attack: 300 Weight: 200 Weapon Level: 4 Required Level: 170 Jobs: Guillotine Cross |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 48 000 000 z | 1 | |
Atk + 15 per 2 refine.
Increases long ranged physical damage by 4% per 3 refine. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher increases damage of Round Trip by 20%, increases SP consumption of Round Trip by 10%. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher increases damage of Round Trip by additional 15%, Atk + 50 and increases long ranged physical damage by 15% for 90 seconds when using Platinum Altar. -------------------- Refine is +11 or higher increases physical damage against all size enemies by 15%. -------------------- When equipped with Great Hero Boots Dex + 10 increases long ranged physical damage by 5%. -------------------- Class : Gatling Gun Attack : 225 Weight : 300 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 150 Usable Jobs : Rebellion |
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[2] | Greater Bellare Card | Contaminated Wanderer Card | None | None | 275 000 000 z | 1 |