Kill Count: 146354
Kill Count: 81778

Vending Items Of [ApolloX]

~ Temple ~

fortessa, 256, 127

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Temple Magic Ring [1] None Biosphere Gem (Execu-sect) Focus of Varmundt Lv1 None 550 000 000 z 1
Temple Rune Ring [1] None Biosphere Gem (Execu-sect) Focus of Varmundt Lv1 None 550 000 000 z 1
Temple Rune Ring [1] None Biosphere Gem (Dragon Fishing) Agility of Varmundt Lv2 None 550 000 000 z 1
617 An old purple box holding contents that are a mystery until it is opened.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Gives random item
Weight: 20
Old Purple Box None None None None 200 000 z 395