Kill Count: 73220
Kill Count: 13318

Vending Items Of [5511]

fortessa, 202, 157

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
1000446 Meteorite Fragment of Spell.
Weight: 0.1
Meteorite Fragment of Spell None None None None 10 999 z 517
1000399 Meteorite Powder of Stamina.
Weight: 0.1
Stamina Meteorite Powder None None None None 25 000 z 2523
Varmundt Venom Rune Ring [1] None None None None 35 000 000 z 1
1000443 Meteorite Fragment of Stamina.
Weight: 0.1
Stamina Meteorite Fragment None None None None 69 999 z 931
1000444 Meteorite Fragment of Agility.
Weight: 0.1
Agile Meteorite Fragment None None None None 49 999 z 689
1000400 Meteorite Powder of Agility.
Weight: 0.1
Agile Meteorite Powder None None None None 40 999 z 2027
32237 A high quality brooch that is made by one of the best craftsman in the world. It has been together with Celine since she was created.
MATK + 5%
Reduce variable casting time of skills by 10%.
[+Celine's Ribbon]
Reduce fixed casting time of skills by 0.3 second.
MATK + 10 per upgrade level of Celine's Ribbon.
If upgrade level of Celine's Ribbon is +7 or higher,
increase magical damage inflicted on Demi-human and Demon race enemies enemies by 10%.
If upgrade level of Celine's Ribbon is +9 or higher,
increases Earth, Fire, Neutral, Water and Wind property magical damage by 10%.
If upgrade level of Celine's Ribbon is +11 or higher, increase magical damage inflicted on Boss enemies by 20%.
[+Evil Spirit Gloves]
ATK + 50
MATK + 50
ASPD + 1
Class: Accessory
Defense: 0
Weight: 50
Level Requirement: 100
Jobs: All classes
Celine's Brooch [1] None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
7510 An enigmantic flower that can only be seen within Valhalla, the sacred battlegrounds of the ancient gods.
Weight: 1
Valhala's Flower None None None None 550 000 z 218
Death Rune None None None None 650 000 z 300
Varmundt Temple Rune Ring [1] None None None None 35 000 000 z 1
Soul Rune None None None None 999 999 z 452