Kill Count: 158054
Kill Count: 86919

Vending Items Of [hotdogs 1]

Edda Weapons

fortessa, 250, 106

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
26158 Matk + 180, can't be destroyed.
Increases fire and shadow property magical damage by 5%.
Matk + 4 per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

increases Hell Inferno damage by 30%.
If refine is 11 or higher,
reduces cooldown of Crimson Rock by 1 second.
Class: Staff Attack: 100
Weight: 70
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Warlock
Crimson Rose Stick [2] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
18186 Reduces delay after skill by 5%.
Reduces delay after skill by additional 1% per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

increases Aimed Bolt damage by 30%.
If refine is 11 or higher,
reduces cooldown of Aimed Bolt by 1 second, increases Aimed Bolt damage by additional 15%.
Class: Bow Attack: 210
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Ranger
Aiming Bow [2] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
16096 Can't be destroyed, reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Atk + 4 per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher
increases Throw Spirit Sphere and Occult Impaction damage by 50%.
Refine is +11 or higher
Atk + 10%.
Class: Mace Attack: 210
Weight: 130
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Sura
Bright Pendulum [2] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
2057 Staff used in prayer ritual.
MATK +240
Increases damage of Holy elemental magic attack by 5%.
For each refine level
Refine is 9 or higher
Increases damage of Adoramus by 30%.
Refine is 11 or higher
Reduces physical and magical damage taken from all size monsters by 25%.
Indestructible in battle
Type: Two-Handed Staff
Attack: 100
Weight: 120
Weapon Level: 4
Refinable: Yes
Base level 170
Arch Bishop
Adorare Staff [2] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
32023 Increases Brandish Spear damage by 30%.
Atk + 4 per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

reduces cooldown of Hundred Spear by 1.5 second.
If refine is 11 or higher,
increases Brandish Spear damage by additional 20%.
Class: Spear Attack: 200
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Rune Knight
Argen Blanco [2] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
28633 Matk + 175, increases Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt and Lightning Bolt damage by 20%.
Matk + 4 per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

increases Fire Bolt, Cold Bolt and Lightning Bolt damage by additional 30%.
If refine is 11 or higher,
increases Heaven's Drive and Earth Spike damage by 50%.
Class: Book Attack: 120
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Sorcerer
Boltijin [2] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
28138 Can't be destroyed, reduces physical and magical damage taken from small and medium size enemies by 10%.
Atk + 4 per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

reduces cooldown of Axe Tornado and Lava Flow by 1 second.
If refine is 11 or higher,
increases Axe Tornado damage by 15%.
Class: Two-handed Axe Attack: 340
Weight: 450
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Mechanic
Maxi Spanner 7 [2] None None None None 7 000 000 z 1
28044 Increases critical damage by 5%.
Atk + 4 per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

increases physical damage against all size enemies by 15%.
If refine is 11 or higher,
weapon can't be destroyed, Atk + 7%.
Class: Katar Attack: 270
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Guillotine Cross
Agudo Filo [2] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1
1333 Professional's gold wrench.
ATK +5%
For each refine level
ATK +4
Refine is 9 or higher
Increases damage of Power Swing and Axe Boomerang by 20%.
Refine is 11 or higher
Increases damage of Power Swing and Axe Boomerang by 15%.
Indestructible in battle
Type: One-Handed Axe
Attack: 220
Weight: 550
Weapon Level: 4
Refinable: Yes
Base level 170
Golden Wrench 7 [2] None None None None 7 000 000 z 1
26160 Matk + 180, can't be destroyed.
Increases water and earth property magical damage by 5%.
Matk + 4 per refine.
Refine is +9 or higher

increases Diamond Dust and Earth Grave damage by 30%.
If refine is 11 or higher,
increases Diamond Dust and Earth Grave damage by additional 20%.
Class: Staff Attack: 120
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 170
Jobs: Sorcerer
Dust Grave [2] None None None None 5 000 000 z 1