Kill Count: 77596
Kill Count: 18278

Vending Items Of [muhkantotice]

geffen, 141, 42

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Ice Magic Stone (Powerful) None None None None 25 000 000 z 1
24539 A glove that can draw the wearer's potential ability.
When dealing physical attacks has a chance to activate the following bonus:
Increases Critical Damage by 10%.
Increases damage to all sizes by 10%.
For a 5 second duration.
If refine is 7 or higher
Increases the chance to procc the bonus by 5%.
Increases Critical Damage by an additional 5%.
Increases damage to all sizes by an additional 5%.
If refine is 9 or higher
Duration of the bonus has been increases by an additional 5 seconds.
[Katar Shadow Set]
Katar Shadow Weapon
Katar Shadow Pendant
Katar Shadow Earring
Increase your ATK by the sum of the refinement of the set.
[Katar Shadow Weapon Set]
Guillotine Cross Shadow Shield
Katar Shadow Weapon
Ignores physical defense of all monster races (except players) by 40 % + the sum of the refinement of the set.
Class: Shadow Equipment
Location: Weapon
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 99
Jobs:Guillotine Cross
Katar Shadow Weapon 4 None None None None 44 000 000 z 1
Snowflower Ring [1] Intermediate Rgan Card Ice Magic Orb (Fatal) Ice Magic Orb (All Force) None 125 000 000 z 1
Snowflower Pendant [1] Lowest Rgan Card Ice Magic Orb (Fatal) Ice Magic Orb (All Force) None 140 000 000 z 1
Snowflower Boots 11 [1] Deep Sea Merman Card Ice Magic Orb (Firing Shot) Ice Magic Orb (Fixed Casting) None 220 000 000 z 1
Snowflower Manteau 11 [1] Empathizer Card Ice Magic Orb (Powerful) Ice Magic Orb (Critical) None 190 000 000 z 1
4132 Nullify the Gemstone requirement of certain skills at the cost of increasing SP Consumption by 25% when using skills.
Class: Card
Compound on: Headgear
Weight: 1
Mistress Card None None None None 177 000 000 z 1
4374 DEX +2
Ignores 30% of Boss monster's Magic Defense Rate when inflicting magic attacks against them.
Class: Card
Compound on: Headgear
Weight: 1
Vesper Card None None None None 214 000 000 z 1
27321 Max HP - 50%
Increase physical damage inflicted on All enemies by 10%.
Increase physical damage inflicted on Angel and Demihuman race enemies by 30%.
Adds a 100% chance to transform into 'God of Despair Morocc' form when using First Aid.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
God of Despair Morocc Card None None None None 850 000 000 z 1