Kill Count: 187598
Kill Count: 64475

Vending Items Of [dagang 2]

S> your balls

fortessa, 214, 118

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Ice Gangu Card None None None None 1 899 999 z 8
7619 Used to refine armors / headgears with a higher chance.
This item can be used with Mighty Hammer in either payon, eden 2nd floor or the refine house in @go 0
Alternatively you can use this item in the Refine UI.
Warning: Upon failure this will break your item.
Upon use this will open the Refine UI but does not consume the item.
Class: Refining Material
Weight: 1
Old Enriched Elunium None None None None 1 220 000 z 517
12103 An ancient, gnarled branch with a contract written in blood upon the bark that can summon stronger creatures than regular Dead Branches.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Summons a random Boss monster
Weight: 0
Bloody Branch None None None None 1 285 000 z 1281
Burning Night Card None None None None 15 000 000 z 6
12211 A Kafra name card issued by the Kafra Headquarters..
Class: Usable item
Effect: Open kafra storage
Weight: 1
Kafra Card None None None None 16 999 z 1676
Cave Flower Card None None None None 7 350 000 z 5
300211 Increases Magical Damage with Earth element by 35%.
Increases SP Consumption by 10%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Accessory(Left)
Weight: 1
Ash Toad Card None None None None 1 650 000 z 3
Wasted Intermediate Rgan Card None None None None 999 999 z 14
Wasted Primitive Rgan Card None None None None 799 999 z 25
7620 Used to refine weapons with a higher chance.
This item can be used with Mighty Hammer in either payon, eden 2nd floor or the refine house in @go 0
Alternatively you can use this item in the Refine UI.
Warning: Upon failure this will break your item.
Upon use this will open the Refine UI but does not consume the item.
Class: Refining Material
Weight: 1
Old Enriched Oridecon None None None None 948 700 z 556