Kill Count: 164494
Kill Count: 53916

Vending Items Of [Te Fiti]

Te Fiti

fortessa, 196, 118

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
27260 Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 3%).
Increase long ranged physical damage by 5%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Footgear
Weight: 1
Odoric Card None None None None 9 500 000 z 2
4522 When dealing melee physical damage there's a chance to cause Crystalisation status.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Sropho Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
4354 Adds 30% resistance to the Stun and Silence if base AGI is 90 or higher.
adds 50% resistance to the Stone Curse and Sleep if base VIT is 80 or higher.
Class: Card
Compound on: Headgear
Weight: 1
Gemini-S58 Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 2
300174 MaxHP +10%
Base at least 100:
Decreases damage taken from Earth and Poison elemental attacks by 1%.
Base at least 130:
Decreases damage taken from Earth and Poison elemental attacks by 3%.
Type: Card
Compound on: Headgear
Weight: 1
Melted Poring Card None None None None 20 000 000 z 2
4641 Decrease SP regeneration by 100%.
Each time you get a physical attack, recover SP by 1.
Class: Card
Compound on: Shield
Weight: 1
Zombie Guard Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
4634 CRIT +9
When base level 100 or higher, CRIT +1.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Enhanced Soldier Skeleton Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
4463 CRIT +5
If compounded weapon is refined to +12 or higher, ATK +35.
If compounded weapon is refined to +14 or higher, CRIT +10.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Tendrillion Card None None None None 20 000 000 z 1
4384 Adds a high chance of autocasting Level 1 [Spell Breaker] each time the wearer dealing physical attacks.
Class: Card
Compound on: Accessory
Weight: 1
Hydro Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 1
4223 DEF +1
Add 20% more tolerance against Stun.
Class: Card
Compound on: Headgear
Weight: 1
Stalactic Golem Card None None None None 10 000 000 z 4
51007 A very special coin.
Can be exchanged for 100 cashpoints per in the Main Office.
Renewal Only:
Can be used with a special Slotmachine. Usage @specialslot
Weight: 0
Moon Coin None None None None 1 050 000 z 1510
Cash Voucher None None None None 11 000 000 z 30
Crown of Good and Evil (Inquisitor) 12 [1] None None None None 1 000 000 000 z 1