Kill Count: 174253
Kill Count: 57627

Vending Items Of [2211]

fortessa, 202, 160

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
50942 Costume Garment
Class : Costume Garment
Defense : 0
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Usable Jobs : All
Costume Loli Ruri Moon None None None None 900 000 000 z 1
31142 --------------------
Class: Costume
Location: Lower
Weight: 0
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Prison of Time None None None None 90 000 000 z 1
Soul Essence None None None None 999 999 z 421
Venom Essence None None None None 999 999 z 168
31885 Type: Costume
Position: Lower
Weight: 0
Requirement: None
Costume Cons of Earth None None None None 250 000 000 z 1
Soul Rune None None None None 999 999 z 108
Venom Rune None None None None 999 999 z 288
Temple Rune None None None None 999 999 z 573
Death Essence None None None None 999 999 z 44
Flame Essence None None None None 999 999 z 233
51022 Allows you to purchase an alternate outfit for your character.
Can be used on the Stylist. Will be consumed upon activation.
Weight: 1
Alternate Outfit Ticket None None None None 90 000 000 z 1
6226 This Bradium's density guarantees that your weapon will NOT break when attempting to upgrade and if the upgrade attempt fails, it will downgrade 1 level.
Cannot downgrade below +10.
Upon use this will open the Refine UI but does not consume the item.
Class: Refining Material
Weight: 0
HD Bradium None None None None 750 000 z 1215