Kill Count: 185528
Kill Count: 63374

Vending Items Of [Katalina25]


fortessa, 235, 142

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
13313 Shuriken named after fluttering petals. They say it feels like you are surrounded by a cloud of petals when using this weapon.
MATK +50.
Increases Swirling Petal damage by 20%.
Class: Huuma Shuriken
Attack: 150
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 110
Jobs: Ninja
Huuma Swirling Petal 12 [2] None None None None 60 000 000 z 1
1726 A mighty bow that can only be effectively used by Hunter and Sniper.
[+Hunting Arrow]
Ranged damage +50%.
Class: Bow
Attack: 125
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 33
Jobs: Hunter
Hunter Bow 12 [1] None None None None 60 000 000 z 1
1980 A balance is attached at the tip of the whip. Anyone who gets a hit by this whip is knocked back.
AGI +2, DEX +3
Add 2 cells knock back effect when using Throw Arrow.
Add 3 cells knock back effect when using Arrow Vulcan.
Class: Whip
Attack: 110
Weight: 70
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Gypsy
Whip of Balance 12 [3] None None None None 60 000 000 z 1
1544 An old, black and large frying pan.
If base STR is 77 or higher:
ASPD +4%
Add 15% chance of Stunning target when dealing physical attacks.
Also adds a 5% chance of dropping cooked dishes when killing Brute, Plant or Fish monsters.
Class: Mace
Attack: 110
Weight: 70
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 50
Jobs: Transcendent Acolyte
Lunakaligo 12 [3] None None None None 60 000 000 z 1
28241 A gatling gun mainly used in the buffalo bandit colony. It is said to be rather heavy for the general public to use.
DEX + 2
Increase physical damage inflicted on All monsters by 2%.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 5% per 2 upgrade levels.
Refine is +7 or higher
increase Round Trip damage by 20%.
Refine is +9 or higher
reduce SP consumption of Round Trip by 5%.
Refine is +12 or higher

increase long ranged physical damage by 5%.
Class: Gatling Gun
Attack: 220
Weight: 300
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 150
Jobs: Rebellion
Calf Diamondback 12 [2] None None None None 70 000 000 z 1
19263 A helmet said to have been used by a brave general.
ATK + 15 per 2 upgrade levels.
Refine is +7 or higher
Increase attack speed(reduce delay after attack by 10%).
Refine is +9 or higher
ASPD + 1
increase physical damage inflicted on All enemies by 5%.
Refine is +11 or higher
increase critical damage by 15%;
reduce fixed casting time of skills by 0.1 second per upgrade level above +10 (up to +15).
Increase damage of Banishing Point by 7% per 2 upgrade levels of Gungnir.
ATK + 20 per 2 upgrade levels of Zweihander.
Increase damage of Tiger Cannon by 7% per 2 upgrade levels of Quadrille.
Class: Headgear
Defense: 12
Location: Upper
Weight: 80
Required Level: 1
Jobs: All classes
General Helm 12 [1] None None None None 120 000 000 z 1
1631 A holy stick which is made of Rune of Odin, specialized for exorcisms.
MATK +140
Reduces variable cast time of Holy Light, Turn Undead, and Magnus Exorcismus by 25%.
Class: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 50
Weight: 50
Element: Holy
Weapon Level: 4
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Priest and Monk
Holy Stick 12 [1] None None None None 130 000 000 z 1
19308 A beret made from the ear of Amistr.
MATK + 20 per 2 upgrade levels.
Refine is +7 or higher
reduce variable casting time of skills by 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
increase Neutral and Holy property magical damage by 10%.
Refine is +11 or higher
MATK + 3%
increase physical damage inflicted on All enemies by 5%;
reduce fixed casting time of skills by 0.1 second per upgrade level above +10 (up to +15).
[+Holy Stick]
MATK + 10
Increase damage of Adoramus by 30% per 2 upgrade levels of Holy Stick.
[+Wondrous Foxtail Staff]
Increase Neutral property magical damage by 5% per 2 upgrade levels of Wondrous Foxtail Staff.
[+Twin Edge of Naght Sieger(Blue)]
Increase damage of Cart Cannon by 10% per 2 upgrade levels of Twin Edge of Naght Sieger(Blue).
Class: Headgear
Defense: 15
Location: Upper
Weight: 20
Required Level: 1
Jobs: All classes
Amistr Beret 12 [1] None None None None 160 000 000 z 1
5022 Hat that is attached with the great wings with the emblem of sun.
Don't ask or wonder how its wearer could walk or move in this hat.
STR +3, INT +2
Class: Headgear
Defense: 4
Location: Upper, Middle
Weight: 240
Required Level: 1
Jobs: 2nd classes
Hat of the Sun God None None None None 200 000 000 z 1
22006 These boots are obviously old but they show no signs of wear and tear.
Max HP +300, Max SP +30.
For every 3 refine level, Max HP +100, Max SP +10, ATK +7.
If base STR is 120 or higher, ATK +50.
Class: Footgear
Defense: 25
Weight: 60
Level Requirement: 99
Jobs: Any Class
Temporal STR Boots 12 [1] None None None None 210 000 000 z 1
450179 Matk + 50.
Refine is +7 or higher
reduces variable casting time by 10%.
Refine is +9 or higher
increases all property magical damage by 10%.
Refine is +11 or higher
reduces delay after skill by 10%.
Refine is +12 or higher
reduces delay after skill by additional 5%.
When equipped with Evil Spirit Glove,
Matk + 10%, Perfect Hit + 10, increases magical damage against all size enemies by 15%,
when dealing physical damage, has a chance to gain bonus magical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 15% for 10 seconds.
When equipped with Celine's Ribbon,
Increases holy, shadow, poison and ghost property magical damage as percentage equal to the sum of refine of Celine's Ribbon and Celine's Dress,
If the sum of refine is 19 or higher
Matk + 15%.
If the sum of refine is 23 or higher
increases magical damage against all property enemies by 20%.
When equipped with Celine's Brooch,
Matk + 10 per refine of Celine's Dress,
If refine of Celine's Dress is 9 or higher
reduces variable casting time by 5%.
If refine of Celine's Dress is 11 or higher
increases water, wind, earth, fire and neutral property magical damage by 10%.
If refine of Celine's Dress is 13 or higher
the armor can't be destroyed.
Class: Armor
Defense: 40
Weight: 50
Required Level: 130
Usable Jobs: All
Celine's Dress 12 [1] None None None None 248 000 000 z 1
28243 A grenade launcher mainly used in the buffalo bandit colony. It backed by strong firepower coveted by grenade launcher lovers.
DEX + 2
Increase physical damage inflicted on All monsters by 2%.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 5% per 2 upgrade levels.
Refine is +7 or higher
increase attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 5%)
Refine is +9 or higher
increase Dragon Tail damage by 15%.
Refine is +12 or higher
increase Dragon Tail damage by additional 15%.
Class: Grenade Launcher
Attack: 360
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 150
Jobs: Rebellion
Calf Python 12 [2] None None None None 50 000 000 z 1