Kill Count: 177005
Kill Count: 58748

Vending Items Of [MerchantDumb6]


fortessa, 217, 133

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
25814 Elmen at @go exchange can smelt Dynite from five types of ores obtained from monsters in Einbroch Mine 3F
Weight: 1
Dynite None None None None 250 000 z 62
23016 An unstable substance made up of several strong thoughts. There are so many feelings mixed inside which makes it overwhelming.
Weight : 0.1
Cursed Fragment None None None None 90 000 z 3000
1000397 Betelgeuse's Soul.
Weight: 0
Beteleuse Soul None None None None 2 400 000 z 22
1000263 A bright and sacred piece of goodwill. Empathy, happiness, rest, comfort, and blessings overflow from the fragment.
Weight: 0
Fragment of Good Will None None None None 157 000 z 2283
25867 Shards of matter that are distorted in time and release mysterious magic power.
Destroyed magic fade.
Weight: 1
Temporal Fragment None None None None 39 000 z 1987
25865 A gemstone that is distorted in time and has a mysterious magical power. It's hard to work with ordinary things.
Weight: 1
Temporal Gemstone None None None None 164 000 z 267
1000367 A gem made with a feeling of regret.
[Marquis of remorse] seems to be able to exchange for something.
Weight: 0
Mineas None None None None 250 000 z 198
25864 Ore and jeweled circlelets from a gap in time.
It doesn't have much effect, but if you take it to someone who knows it's value, it can be useful.
Weight: 10
Sealed Temporal Circlet None None None None 82 000 z 395