Kill Count: 276590
Kill Count: 116033

Vending Items Of [Vendedorzin]


fortessa, 211, 145

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
6665 Take this ticket to the RWC Enchanter so that you can change the enchantment of your RWC 2012 Ring or RWC 2012 Pendant.
Weight: 1
RWC Enchant Reset Ticket None None None None 100 000 z 12
2679 A ring that resonates with the Ring of Flame Lord: together, they form a matching set.
VIT +1, AGI +2
Adds a chance of auto casting various skills while receiving physical damage.
Class: Accessory
Defense: 2
Weight: 10
Jobs: Transcendent 2nd classes
Ring Of Resonance None None None None 1 000 000 z 1
2678 A ring imbued with the power of the fire spirit king, which can be used to strengthen the wearer's weapon.
This ring forms a matching set with the Ring of Resonance.
VIT +1, STR +2
ATK +15
Increases resistance against Fire element attacks by 10%.
Adds a chance to auto cast various skills with each physical attack.
When worn with the Ring of Resonance, this ring adds the Auto Spell ability.
Class: Accessory
Defense: 0
Weight: 10
Jobs: Transcendent 2nd classes
Ring Of Flame Lord None None None None 1 000 000 z 1
2659 An object which seems to be part of the Vesper. Possesses a mysterious power that enables its owner to clear his mind.
INT +2
Max SP +5%
Class: Accessory
Defense: 1
Weight: 10
Jobs: Transcendent 2nd classes
Vesper Core 01 None None None None 1 000 000 z 1
2423 Although it seems that whoever made these shoes tried to fix his mistakes, he didn't make these as well as he hoped.
Max HP +20%
Max SP +20%
Reduce Max HP and Max SP for every refine of shoes.
Increase Defense for every 2 refine of shoes.
Class: Footgear
Defense: 13
Weight: 50
Level Requirement: 85
Jobs: All Transcendent classes except Novice
Variant Shoes None None None None 1 000 000 z 1
2374 A robe which is decorated with unknown letters. The wearer feels like they're learning a new language.
Reduces after cast delay by 10%.
Increases effectiveness of Healing skill by 6%.
Max SP +150
[+Diabolus Ring]
ATK +3%
MATK +3%
Class: Armor
Defense: 57
Weight: 30
Level Requirement: 60
Jobs: Transcendent Archer, Mage and Acolyte
Diabolus Robe [1] None None None None 1 000 000 z 1
2168 Very unique, square formed shield with a special jewel on it which protects from physical power.
Refine is +5 or higher
Every refine level increases resistance against Neutral element attacks by 1%.
(The increase is limited to refine level 12)
Refine is +7 or higher
Increases resistance against Neutral element attacks by 5%.
Refine is +9 or higher
Increases resistance against Fire, Water, Wind and Earth element attacks by 5%.
Class: Shield
Defense: 55
Weight: 70
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Immune Shield [1] None None None None 100 000 z 1
2968 A pendant made of pure gold imbued with mystical powers to commemorate the 2012 RWC.
MATK + 1%
[+RWC 2012 Ring]
MATK + 4%
Increase physical damage inflicted on All enemies by 4%.
Class: Accessory
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
RWC 2012 Pendant None None None None 100 000 z 1
2966 A ring made of pure gold imbued with mystical powers to commemorate the 2012 RWC.
Increase physical damage inflicted on All enemies by 1%.
[+RWC 2012 Pendant]
MATK + 4%
Increase physical damage inflicted on All enemies by 4%.
Class: Accessory
Defense: 0
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
RWC 2012 Ring None None None None 100 000 z 1
2589 Large, black wings of a fallen dark angel.
All Stats + 1
ATK + 1 per 20 base STR.
MATK + 1 per 20 base INT.
Reduce damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 1% per 20 base VIT.
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%) per 20 base AGI.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 1% per 20 base DEX.
Increase critical damage by 1% per 20 base LUK.
Class: Garment
Defense: 18
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Fallen Angel Wing [1] None None None None 2 000 000 z 1
5985 A silver mask worn by nobles.
Max HP + 1%
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%).
Reduce variable casting time of Sacrifice by 2 seconds.
Reduce variable cast time of Gloria Domini by 2 seconds.
Increase damage of Martyr's Reckoning by 2% per base level.
When base level is 100 or higher,
Max HP + 1%
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%).
When base level is 150 or higher,
Max HP + 1%
Increase attack speed (reduce delay after attack by 1%).
Class: Headgear
Defense: 0
Location: Middle
Weight: 20
Level Requirement: 30
Jobs: All classes
Noble Mask None None None None 4 000 000 z 1
19244 The sacred rosary blessed by the apostle of God. It overflows with a mysterious power.
Increases effectiveness of healing skills by 5%.
[+Light of Recovery]
Reduces after cast delay of skills by 3% per 2 upgrade levels of Light of Recovery.
The SP consumption increase of Heal, Coluceo Heal and Highness Heal per upgrade level of Light of Recovery is nullified.
Class: Headgear
Defense: 0
Location: Lower
Weight: 10
Level Requirement: 1
Jobs: All classes
Rosary Necklace None None None None 60 000 000 z 1