Kill Count: 289680
Kill Count: 120189

Vending Items Of [El paro juvenil]

pudi pudi

fortessa, 244, 157

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
Costume Blue Sunbed None None None None 30 000 000 z 1
Soul Rune None None None None 398 000 z 135
27361 Increase physical damage inflicted on Medium and Large size enemies by 30%.
Class: Card
Compound on: Weapon
Weight: 1
Contaminated Wanderer Card None None None None 23 000 000 z 4
12261 Upon use gives 2.000.000 Base and 3.000.000 Job EXP.
Weight: 0
Leap of Fantasy None None None None 32 500 000 z 3
12259 An enchanted tonic that made by a dream flower.
Weight: 0
Miracle Tonic None None None None 39 900 000 z 1
12103 An ancient, gnarled branch with a contract written in blood upon the bark that can summon stronger creatures than regular Dead Branches.
Class: Usable item
Effect: Summons a random Boss monster
Weight: 0
Bloody Branch None None None None 1 199 999 z 95
6229 Double click to use. Cannot fail. Instantly refines to the designated refine.
Alternatively, visit 's Refining Expert in the Refine Shop.
Cannot be used on Weapon with Weapon Lvl 5 or Armor with Armor Lvl 2.
Weight: 0
+8 Weapon Refine Ticket None None None None 2 800 000 z 10
48237 LUK + 2.
Max HP + 10%, Max SP + 10%.
Increases Cart Revolution damage by 50%.
Class: Card
Compounded On: Shoes
Weight: 1
Greater Papila Card None None None None 4 500 000 z 1
6233 Double click to use. Cannot fail. Instantly refines to the designated refine.
Alternatively, visit 's Refining Expert in the Refine Shop.
Cannot be used on Weapon with Weapon Lvl 5 or Armor with Armor Lvl 2.
Weight: 0
+8 Armor Refine Ticket None None None None 2 650 000 z 10
719 A purple jewel that is the birthstone for people born in February.
Weight: 10
Amethyst None None None None 400 000 z 184
4419 Increases damage to Fire monsters by 50%,
adds a chance of auto casting Level 10 Frost Nova when the wearer receives physical or magic damage.
Class: Card
Compound on: Armor
Weight: 1
Ktullanux Card None None None None 95 000 000 z 1