Kill Count: 272714
Kill Count: 114271

Vending Items Of [Lord Warrenus]

Demi Waktu

dewata, 204, 147

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
45018 A stone that evoke an Paladin's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of a costume.
Increases Holy Property Magical Damage by 1% for each level of Grand Cross user learned.
Weight: 10
Paladin Stone II(Lower) None None None None 15 000 000 z 67
45017 A stone that evoke an Paladin's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of a costume.
Increases Gloria Domini damage by 20%.
Weight: 10
Paladin Stone II(Middle) None None None None 15 000 000 z 68
45016 A stone that evoke an Paladin's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of a costume.
Reduces variable casting time by 1% for each level of Faith user learned.
Weight: 10
Paladin Stone II(Upper) None None None None 15 000 000 z 62
45019 A stone that evoke an Royal Guard's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 4th slot of garment costume.
Increases Genesis Ray damage by 15%.
[+Paladin Stone II(Upper)]
Reduces Fixed Casting Time by 0.1 seconds for each 2 levels of Guard user learned.
[+Paladin Stone II(Middle)]
increases Holy Property Magical Damage by 5%.
[+Paladin Stone II(Lower)]
Increases Genesis Ray damage by additional 15%.
Weight: 10
Royal Guard Stone II(Garment) None None None None 15 000 000 z 44
25713 A stone that evoke a Royal Guard's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 4th slot of garment costume.
Increase damage of Banishing Point by 15%.
[+Paladin Stone(Upper)]
Adds a 2% chance of absorbing 1% of damage as SP when dealing physical damage.
[+Paladin Stone(Middle)]
Reduce cooldown of Cannon Spear by 0.5 second.
[+Paladin Stone(Lower)]
Increase damage of Banishing Point by 15%.
Weight: 10
Royal Guard Stone(Garment) None None None None 15 000 000 z 30
25712 A stone that evoke a Paladin's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 3rd slot of lower costume.
Increase damage of Holy Cross by 20%.
Weight: 10
Paladin Stone(Lower) None None None None 15 000 000 z 74
25711 A stone that evoke a Paladin's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of middle costume.
Increase long ranged physical damage by 1% per level of Spear Mastery learned.
Weight: 10
Paladin Stone(Middle) None None None None 15 000 000 z 6
25710 A stone that evoke a Paladin's potential.
Adds enchantment on the 2nd slot of upper costume.
Max HP + 1% per level of Faith learned.
Weight: 10
Paladin Stone(Upper) None None None None 15 000 000 z 30