Kill Count: 71208
Kill Count: 11890

Vending Items Of [ledeng]

+12 weapon 1

fortessa, 253, 115

ID Name Refine Slot Card0 Card1 Card2 Card3 Price Amount
1846 Increase Sky Blow and Dragon Combo damage by 10%.
Additional increase Sky Blow and Dragon Combo damage by 5% per 2 refines.
Increase Tiger Cannon damage by 5% per 3 refines.
[Illusion Muffler]
Atk + 40.
If refine of both are 7 or higher, add an additional damage of Tiger Cannon by 20%.
If the sum of refine is 18 or higher, Reduce cooldown of Flash Combo by 1 second.
If the sum of refine is 22 or higher, add an additional damage of Tiger Cannon by 15%.
Class : Claw
Attack : 250
Weight : 50
Property : Neutral
Weapon Level : 4
Required Level : 120
Applicable Job : Sura
Illusion Combo Battle Glove 12 [2] None None None None 120 000 000 z 1