Vending Items Of [l Geld l]
Chill Out
ama_in02, 49, 151
ID | Name | Refine | Slot | Card0 | Card1 | Card2 | Card3 | Price | Amount |
Atk + 15 per 2 refine.
Increases Cross Impact damage by 10% per 3 refine. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher increases critical damage by 15%, increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%). -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher increases physical damage against demihuman and brute race enemies by 25%. -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, Crit + 15, reduces cooldown of Dark Claw by 10 seconds. -------------------- When equipped with Great Hero Boots, Agi + 10, increases melee physical damage by 5%. -------------------- Class : Katar Attack : 225 Weight : 140 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 150 Usable Jobs : Guillotine Cross |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 10 000 000 z | 1 | |
Can't be destroyed.
Matk + 290. Increases Frozen Slash and Crimson Arrow damage by 6% per 2 refine rate. Increases Crystal Impact damage by 5% per 3 refine rate. Increases all property magical damage by 3% per 4 refine rate. -------------------- [Bonus by grade] [Grade D] SPL + 2. [Grade C] Increases Frozen Slash and Crimson Arrow damage by additional 10%. [Grade B] S.Matk + 2. -------------------- Class : Two-handed Staff Attack : 150 Weight : 220 Weapon Level : 5 Required Level : 220 Jobs : Arch Mage |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 10 000 000 z | 1 | |
Atk + 15 per 2 refine.
Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 2%) per 3 refine. -------------------- Refine is +7 or higher increases Rolling Cutter and Cross Ripper Slasher damage by 25%. -------------------- Refine is +9 or higher reduces delay after skill by 12%. -------------------- If refine is 11 or higher, increases melee physical damage and long ranged physical damage by 10%. -------------------- When equipped with Great Hero Boots, Str + 10, Atk + 7%. -------------------- Class : Katar Attack : 275 Weight : 140 Weapon Level : 4 Required Level : 150 Usable Jobs : Guillotine Cross |
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[2] | None | None | None | None | 10 000 000 z | 1 | |
Robes worn by priests who worshiped good luck in Odin's ability
-------------------- Max HP + 10%, Max SP + 10%. Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%) Crit + 3 and increases critical damage by 4% per 2 refine. Luk + 5 per 3 refine. Increases physical damage against angel and demon race monsters by 8% per 4 refine. -------------------- When equipped with Clergy's Boots and Clergy's Manteau, Luk + 8, Def + 30, Mdef + 15. Reduces damage taken from angel and demon race monsters by 15%. -------------------- If the sum of refine of set is 27 or higher, Atk + 10%, reduces delay after skill by 20%, reduces fixed casting time by 20%. -------------------- Class: Armor Defense: 100 Weight: 80 Required Level: 170 Jobs: All |
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[1] | None | None | None | None | 3 000 000 z | 1 | |
Robes worn by priests who worshiped good luck in Odin's ability
-------------------- Max HP + 10%, Max SP + 10%. Increases attack speed (reduces delay after attack by 10%) Crit + 3 and increases critical damage by 4% per 2 refine. Luk + 5 per 3 refine. Increases physical damage against angel and demon race monsters by 8% per 4 refine. -------------------- When equipped with Clergy's Boots and Clergy's Manteau, Luk + 8, Def + 30, Mdef + 15. Reduces damage taken from angel and demon race monsters by 15%. -------------------- If the sum of refine of set is 27 or higher, Atk + 10%, reduces delay after skill by 20%, reduces fixed casting time by 20%. -------------------- Class: Armor Defense: 100 Weight: 80 Required Level: 170 Jobs: All |
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[1] | None | None | None | None | 3 000 000 z | 1 |